Liste de pages avec tableaux assez poussées, à 4 colonnes, pour une comparaison quaternaire, ou plus rarement avec 3 colonnes

(de Eric Oullereau)


natural vision about animal kingdom compared to the wild / artisanal / industrial visions

comparison between the natural view about the elephant, and wild life, traditional view, and industrial view

comparison between the structured classification of animals / classic classification - classement, industrial / phylogenetic classification

distort idea of a binary opposition creationism / evolution, forgetting the intelligent creationism

faille - fault in the reasoning for evolution towards the great ape - grand singe -> human


complicity of babylonian creation with evolution by restricted comparisons (artisanal twisted pervere vision)

création structurée : l'outil = frein pour la perfection : tool = brake vs création babylonienne : outil / tool = a "progress"


mépris / 5 sens humains, contempt / 5 human senses, leads to the irrational cult of stars, étoiles

combination 5 senses / intelligence : 4 cases - 5 sens / intelligence : 4 cas

comparaison entre 4 familles de lois ou sciences / comparison between 4 families of laws or sciences

comparaison entre structure, intelligence naturelle et intelligence artificielle : ex. : 1 de mes tableaux vs grille de sudoku

natural structure of decision-making support / structure d'aide à la décision naturelle (7 parties) +3 others ways in comparison

the big gap between good and bad / la grande différence entre le bien et le mal

expert of the ground / connaisseurs de terrain 4 familles

comparaison quaternaire entre vraie intelligence individuelle naturelle avec les sens vs intelligence artificielle collective pour la mort, le robotique

Pharaon : fruit mauvais / Pharaoh : bad fruit


global view : comparison culture with elephant / imitating it / bio farming / industrial agriculture

Ecology : total fake, hoax, for good environment and all the rest : at the opposite of a good orchard for 2 and being frugivore / écologie : totale arnaque

human good culture of soil > bonobo - chimpanzee > customs - culture with figurate sense'

why the madness of the project for March and its false culture of soil : because of ecology

how do we arrive to the foolishness, insanity of chemical agriculture

5 different view points to feed the earth as the human being - 5 points de vue / alimentation terre et homme

recycling - recyclage : naturel (vrai) / 1/2 natural / of degrowth - de décroissants / superficial ecology /usual industrial recycling


palmiers / palm trees : gros problème, anti-naturel

good environment and tourism compared to ecotourism and other not natural views

deep gap between good fruits and art, earrings, building


réchauffement climatique ou pas -"global warming or not" total fake, false debate; we destroy the warm and wet area, where we should live

UNICEF COP21: its brochure distributed to people and for schools: a deep shame, a total hoax - arnaque - for climat


(fruit and plant species, ergonomic )


exchange with Francis Hallé famous botanist : his contempt of good fruits and their quality

comparison 3 different bananas and 1 cereal3 catégories de bananes / 3 categories of bananas


regression / amélioration - improved varieties : case of different bananas to demonstrate : O.G.M. / G.M.O. = regress

ergonomy : outil / tool not a progress, a not evident hypothesis / the easy hypothesis : tool a progress

argumentation to critic the industrial system to prove it is a regress and not a progress

progression from 0 tool / outil - ergonomy, sensible, to regress to the worse with complex tools

examples of perfection without tool, and critic of tools brake in this cases


 accidental lost of blood : how not to die / grande perte de sang : comment éviter la mort

why human made for eternal life, not for dying / pourquoi l'humain : pour la vie éternelle ; pas la mort ?



pattern / pedagogue / psychologist / sociologist : comparison, 4 families of views and professionals on relationship with others

  • comparaison with animals to see that day-nursery- crêche - is a regress for human

true loving date, gentle man or woman vs gentleman / fréquentation véritablement amoureuse

complicity of religions and scientifics to the existence / increase - augmentation - of ladyboys - transgenres, transexuels