Yoga : mensonge, arnaque
Yoga : hoax, fake
Yoga : hoax, fake , mensonge, arnaque
Yoga comes from Hinduism
The 5 senses are totally contempted : they "turn the 5 senses Inside" said to me a trainer in yoga, which means that they pay attention to perceptions from Inside but not outside.
So when I said it was toniception, feeling from the muscles, she agreed, she never heard this word.
For example the exercice in the 1rst image is to work toniception but not the 5 senses.
it is an interesting exercise I do not critisize, but linking that to the 5 senses, it is false, and it is a fake, a lie.
For the position of the second and the 3rd image I would have some doubt.
That is why we see this so detasble lok of yogi, with this crual earring on the statue above,
and so sensibleness clothes and / or hairstyle very long and dirty hair and body
See the French photo in the article in wikipedia below :
And here we see that blood circulation is bad in legs because of this wrong classical position of yogi.
So, inside perceptions, senses , for example toniception, are here also despised,
The internal senses are not totally dispised : with the 1rst image, we see a training for balance.
That is why some people are misleaded.
Streching also when made with a lot of care : it is interesting.
But not with the level of yoga : too much. And with some very serious body problems.
meditation means :
"me" : without in greek, and "ditation" : saying, speaking => thinking without speaking :
so an application is when we think to parts of our body, we are not speaking in ourself about a reasonning, we do not sepak in ourself, at least almost no words, just the part of our body we thing a little in word.
But in yoga there is also the idea of saying ohm, a vibration,
and so it is surely not meditation, in this case, when we speak about meditation.
It is very bad for brain, no increase of blood circulation Inside.
So as people in general do not know how to use its brain, 98% of people do not have a mental life according to La Garanderie great pedagogue, it is easy to mislead people.
A text written before, about it :
Il y a encore quelques jours (début d'août 2015) je n'avais guère de pensée sur l'hindouisme.Je pensais qu'il y avait une idée de végétarisme derrière et que ce devait être moins mauvais que les religions occidentales.Jusqu'à ce que je découvre, en affinant la page de mon site sur les 5 sens pour expliquer leur fiabilité que 2 sites étaient devant le mien suite à la requête '5 senses reliable'. Grande surprise pour moi.J'aurais cru que cela aurait été un site d'un lobby occidental ou une religion (ou "secte") occidentale qui serait là pour critiquer la fiabilité des 5 sens. Mais non, ... c'étaient des lobbys de l'ayurvéda médecine inspirée d'hindouisme.D'où la nécessité d'expliquer l'énorme arnaque de cette croyance derrière cette médecine, qui déjà rien que par ce mot et son symbole s'exclut du naturel. |
Until a few days ago,(beginning of august 2015) I had hardly thought on the hinduism.I thought that there was an idea of vegetarianism behind and that it was to be less bad than the western religions.Until I discover, by refining the page of my site about the 5 senses to explain their reliability, that 2 sites were in front of mine further to the request '5 senses reliable'. Great surprise for me.I would have believed that it would have been a site of a western lobby or a religion (or "sect") Westerner who would be there to criticize the reliability of the 5 senses. But not, they were lobbies of the ayurvéda medicine inspired by hinduism.Where from the necessity of explaining the enormous swindle, fake of this faith behind this medicine, which already only by this word and its symbol is excluded from what is natural. |
Quelques idées rapidement |
Some key ideas, quickly |
1. par rapport aux animaux les 2 animaux clés : les oies et les cygnes, d'où la grande ressemblance avec la triade des religion du "Livre" (judaïsme, christianisme et islam) en admiration devant aussi un "sac à fiente", qu'on appelle aigle.Donc un très grand mépris des mammifères, alors que nous sommes au minimum des mammifères. |
1. With regard to
animals 2 key animals: the gooses and the swans, where from the strong resemblance with the set of three of the religion of "Livre" (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) filled with
admiration for also a "bag with droppings", which we call eagle.
2. Par rapport aux 5 sens et à l'intelligence Il y a mépris des 5 sens et de l'intelligence humaine pour essayer d'atteindre une conscience supérieure.C'est à l'image des animaux de référence, des oiseaux, créatures alcooliques avec mépris du toucher (très loin du niveau de l'humain) et quasiment aucune intelligence, ainsi presque totalement à l'opposé de l'humain. |
2. With regard to the 5 senses and to intelligence there contempt of the 5 senses and the human intelligence, to try to reach a superior consciousness.It is just like reference animals, birds, alcoholic creatures contemptuously of the touch (very far from the level of the human being) and almost no intelligence, so almost totally contrary to the human being. |