âme : corps respirant :
la vision du bon sens,
à l'opposé de celle d'à côté ->
Soul : inhaling body :
the vision of the common sense,
contrary to that nearby - >
âme : quelque chose qui sortirait du corps chez les Egyptiens : totale arnaque
Soul : something which would go out of the body for the Egyptians :
total fake
In the septuagint , ψυχή translates the hebrew/Aramaic word nephesh (soul) meaning "life, vital breath", specifically, it refers to a mortal, physical life.
In latine, it is anima, the breath in the body.
The meaning would degenerate to the breath which would not be totally linked to the body, but it is degeneration, not original, obviously.
In the new testament of the Bible, the Saducees, among them the great priest, do not belief in spirits, angels, and so on. Saducees, in Hebrew/Aramaic means righteous.
So the righteous ones do not believe in someting outside the body according the Bible, the original text.
This idea of someting outside the body, some intelligence independant of the body soul of spitit was not considered as good.
We can see the belief of Egyptians with this imagination, they were disconnected from their senses, of total good sense, with the worse stupid building : pyramids.
They were for circumcision earrings, tattooes, and other scarifications. As the body would not be complete, not eternal for them, they could damage the body.
That is why this stupid belief of soul or spirit outside the body is totally sectarian.
moreover, the idea of spirit is linked with alcohol, a kind of drug. And with drug the person is outside its body.
That is why this belief is totally comptempted here in this site.
Here, the spirit of a person is its conscience in the brain, supported by this organ, considered as the most developped creation of the universe.
Those who think to something outisde the brain are in fact ignorant about this wonderful creation inside our body, the human brain.
The stupid belief in a soul outside the body is so considered as a mental deviation, a perversion, a mental disorder.
Terrorists who want to get suicide for exemple have in general the belief of a soul/spirit which goes on after death, nothing could kill them.
That is why is a very dangerous belief.
Commercial system uses also this idea to brake the mental habilities of persons in order to sell them their irrational and disconnected from the body products.
To promote the vice, and for that, a mean is to contempt the body, the brain.
The belief in God sensible logic evidently, as human body is perfect and human made for everlasting life, implies that all is linked with the body, we have nothing outside.
A false critic would say that, without belief in spirit out of body the person would have a materialist view of life : totally stupid critic
This false idea is based on the confusion between what is concrete and dead, jewelries for example
and in the other side our living body eternal.
Those persons do not realise that they have a contempt of their body, they can wear dead things on their body because of the belief of something outside the body.
So this stupid idea is totally perverse because it reverses good and bad, contempting what is living the human body, for imagination, pure emptiness.
This persons are "charnelles" in French, carnal, physical in English. It means in latin "temporary".
As they do not believe in eternal life on earth they have a temporary view of life on earth and so they are carnal.
They thought they were superior, but in fact they are in stupid belief.
No surprise for this big mistake, it come from the believers of god of Wine Bacchus or Dyonysos in Greek. Spirit is link with alcohol, and with alcohol, the person is disconnected from its body.
The belief in a logic sensible god is evidently out of this Egyptian stupidity.
No esoterism in this site.
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