Liste des pages avec images et comparaison quaternaire / list of pages with pictures and quaternary comparison
advance into time of creation with vision of "structured creation" - progression dans le temps de la création structurée
why antispecism is worse - plus grave - than racism
natural vision about animal kingdom compared to the wild /
artisanal / industrial visions
natural way of observation of the animals compared to the 3 other famillies of observation
structured classification of animals / classification structurée des
order in water compared to wicked, diabolic ecologic order
structured classification of mammals, with
bonobo and elephant / classement structuré des mammifères
natural order on earth with bonobo and elephant compared to the terrorist order of ecolog
sight improvement : natural view, the best
folie des talons aiguille / the disgress to folishness to stiletto heels : "increased woman" transhumanist
earrings, piercing : total fake, swindle,
sado-masochism, barbarity, barbare
importance of memory for human
what is the most important ? memory or
intelligence ?
"Qui veut faire l'ange (au sens religieux) fait la bête" : faux, fait moins que robot
culture, environnement
recycling - recyclage : naturel (vrai) / 1/2 natural / of degrowth - de décroissants / superficial ecology /usual industrial recycling
good environment and tourism compared to ecotourism and
other not natural views
gap between good fruits and art, earrings, building
real frugivore, good fruits and health / vrai frugivore, bons fruits et
why human made for eternal life, not for dying / pourquoi l'humain : pour la vie éternelle ; pas la mort ?
in a same family of fruits, comparison of vision for food
beggar / humanitarian : perversion, in drama triangle (dramatique) : victim / persecutor / rescuer - sauveur : mendiant / humanitaire (soon with
sortir de la guerre, du terrorisme, pollution - emerge from war + avoir dépopulation pacifique intègre - honorable (soon with pictures)
see the animal order for the true superior human sexuality
the folishness of the law against abortion, instead of giving the true mean for not having children
comparaison with animals to see that day-nursery- crêche - is a regress for human