L'agriculture bioholistique est représentée par l' I.R.A.B.E. :
"Institut de recherche en l'agriculture biologique pour l'Europe".
It is represented by I.R.A.B.E.Institut de recherche en agriculture biologique pour l'Europe.It has the best results, may-be, in France.It does not belong to F.N.A.B. which represents only 60% of organic farmers.And whithout link (?) with I.T.A.B.some key ideas of this institut :- fertilisation by manure from heap of manure the main idea, insisting on that instead of vegetal compost, for the best- having attacks of insects is not normalthe key solution for avoiding this problem : fertilisation to correctbased on works of Francis Chaboussou research director of I.N.R.A., member from the beginning of this Institut.Thus this institute does not adhere to the ideology of the cult of the God Piece of the wild spaces with its ecological totally irratinonal idea of the mutualism, in spite of the false appearance given by the president of the I.R.A.B.E who wrote 50 pages of this agriculture (farming) in the book :"L'écologie au secours de la vie" (édition Frison-Roche )This institut has some short trainingsIt had a website : www.irabe.fr (closed because the president was retired, too old)This research is well regarded by all the political parties that made up the parliamentary committee of the Senate for its hearing.
It is explained that fertilizers soluble as N.P.K. (Chemical) are badly likened by the plant or the fruit tree.It creates conflicts, so :- the soluble fertilizer "N" (nitrogen) is badly likened.It so creates a bad assimilation1) of copper, because there is an antagonism with it.= > the plant or the fruit tree will be defficient in copper.Where from diseases on leaves or fruit.2) of calcium, because there is also antagonism between this chemical nitrogen and calcium.= > the plant or the fruit tree will be defficient in calcium.- the soluble fertilizer "P" (potassium) is badly likened.It so creates a bad assimilation of magnesium, because there is an antagonism with it.= > the plant or the fruit tree will be defficient in magnesium.Furthermore, as fruits are badly built with these soluble fertilizers, they have pockets of liquid, just like these soluble fertilizers, which is carcinogenic for vertebrates, but is on the contrary a providence for a lot of invertebrate parasites.So the parasites fed with these plants with artificial fertilizers develop much better :- the cycle of reproduction is shortened- their longevity is increased- their fertility is increased- the proportion of females is increased.So, the I.R.A.B.E. has only critics towards the chemical agriculture (farming), and does stick to many leaders of a so-called organic farming as alternative Nobel Peace Prize Vandana Shiva in India or media as Pierre Rabhi in France who praise virtues of chemical agriculture, which would be "powerful", "intensive" but pollutant.This industrial agriculture (said wrongly intensive, conventional) is for I.R.A.B.E. so polluting as ineffective.Where from we see that the intelligence and ergonomy would be bound.
What lacks in this organic farming :heap of manure is not complete.For the culture of fruit-trees, some things more, not in opposition with organic farming, is usefull to be brought with manure.In its trainings the biological additional contributions are specified, but not in conference.That is the big difference with dungs of elephant, Which can be totally complete, in certain good conditions.I will give more informations in my book.
See my critic of the page https://www.senat.fr/compte-rendu-commissions/20120521/mci_pesticides.html in this page how do we arrive to foolishness, insanity of chemical agriculture |
voir aussi / see also :
Attention à ce faux ami "Permaculture" totalement pervers par rapport à la vraie agriculture naturelle :
Hypocrisie du terme permaculture qui vient de la contraction "permanente et culture", alors que c'est faux et la culture naturelle avec éléphant en zone équatoriale chaude et humide seule peut être permanente.
J'ai vu sur internet qu'un site de permaculture se revendiquait de l'agriculture bioholistique , mais c'est totalement faux sur le fond, juste pour attirer des pigeons et discréditer la vraie qualité de fruits produits.
Voir ma page à ce sujet :
Permaculture : 1 sous-partie de l'agroécologie => totale arnaque, fake
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