Sortir de la guerre, du terrorisme, de la pollution et créer une dépopulation intègre pacifique

Solution pour dépeupler et atteindre la perfection, selon la vision d'un futur cultivateur de bon verger (cette recherche "BON VERGER à 2")

(de Eric Oullereau)

To take out of the war, the terrorism, the pollution and create a peaceful honorable depopulation

Solution for depopulation and reaching perfection, according to the view of a future cultivator of good orchard    (this research "BON VERGER à 2")

(from Eric Oullereau)



4 types de familles de points de vue pour réduire la population

  En cours de remplissage.


4 types of families of points of view to reduce the population

vue profondément pacifique

culture de bon verger avec éléphant

début du pacifique

éducation à la culture du sol, de légumes,

sans lutte chimique ou biologique (loin de la débilité de l'agroécologie)


guerre, terrorisme assez primitifs

armes blanches, ou fusils, ou bêtes sauvages

lutte dans la culture du sol

destruction guerrière profonde

bombes, chimie empoisonnante

lutte chimique dans l'agriculture (super polluante, meurtrière)


Very Intelligent person :


Culture with elephant of good equatorial orchard, the best for organic culture and environment, and the most complicated culture

Intelligent person :


Culture imitating culture with elephant of good orchard, in wet and warm area (tropical and equatorial)

Average person :


Culture of vegetables and little inferior fruit trees, in subtropical area or less

Mentally deficient person :


culture of vegetables

(organic of course), in subtropical area or less , the easiest culture

Culture of highest elaborated fruit trees in association, with 2 elephants (supervised by bonobo, if possible)

Trying to have fruits all the 12 months of the year

Culture of a part of the highest elaborated fruit tree, with banana plants for a maximum of diet without cereal in the year.

(apple tree, pear tree, fig tree of Mediterranean part,…)


It is a loner culture in time with more forecast, than with vegetables

With cereals in the diet.


Terrorist : programmed to destroy its self, to commit suicide by blowing itself up, to destroy itself, and so the others, by this mean or killing them

=> it need education to construct natural things, primitives things as it is mentally deficient.

Vegetables need 3 months to grow up or a little more. It is quick enough for them.

It is the same for the prisoner


I have seen that tropical cultivators in general contempt : - the counsel of removing the flower of banana tree 3 weeks before the picking up of the ripe bananas, for better quality of the bananas It is easy, without need of money or tool, and quick not tiring,

- also they do not separate the banana trees so they are suffering with lack of good supply from the ground. It is the same, quick to do, without need of money and not tiring, just a little more work.

 So they are in general not adapted for this area but for culture for average people or less. They like also in general drug, alcohol, cigarettes, music, polluting.

All the associations in tropical and equatorial area (Care, Unicef,..) are in this part for the council of agriculture, culture (culture = culture of soil in the 1rst sense).


They advise this 2 councils (of the 2nd column), but not the others councils for complete culture of good orchard,

 just for export,

and / or agroforestry,

not this 2nd culture 

as I precise in my general board of comparison.

And they do not understand that music, alcohol, drug, school is a total stupidity.

They have a serious contempt of the brain.

=> average people

People in general are inclined to make this culture, garden culture possible in city,

or this next culture but for the 1rst and the 2nd, not really, they seem satisfied by this inferior culture .


Even in France, in garden I have seen persons who are reluctant to prune their fruit tree.

So they seem adapted to cultivate only vegetables, at least at the beginning of this new organization

An orchard would need a little more than 7 ha / couple of cultivators, with a couple of bonobos and a couple of elephants

2ha ~, with 1 or 2 herbivore

or ½ folivore animals

½ ha ~ ?

0,1 ha ~ ?



To reduce population :



The bad current solution, vicious (volontary or involontary)


War + medecines + chemtrails + vaccines : 1,000,000 + 1,500,000 deaths /year


+ the “Family planning” , the result : much more than 2,500,000 births / year :


=>  Deep increase of people : 83,000,000 more people / year according to  the site

=> deep polution by wars

=> Very bad solution,



The efficient solution honorable to reduce the population with integrity, upright,:


Avoiding the wicked means of wars, medicines, vaccines, chemtrails, G.M.O. very inefficient for reducing population and polluting the soil, and partially damaging all people


- traning or inciting people to cure themselves, avoiding the need of doctors (ill and dying quickly, from cerebrovascular accident, the 1rst ones…) and to cultivate food for themselves, to have the best quality


People prefer better living less (10 years less 75 than 85, but with more tasty food during this years. So it would be better if they had their own garden as minimum.


+ the council of not having child


because the woman is not made for having child and loosing her blood every month~ 


but to get the sperm of her husband for rejuvenation,


and the husband too, the genital liquid of his spouse


We would leave the stupid pattern of insect or bird which cannot perform that, for being more than bonobo and elephant which can perform partially it but not completely.


Remark : a key point: we should preserve totally the equatorial area from pollution because it is here we should live for ever, according to the precautionnary principle.

And in the tropical area in 2nd.

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Autre page sur la dépopulation :

why promoting transgender a bad idea for depopulation