Les ondes wifi la 3G et la 4G mutilantes sexuellement

de Eric Oullereau

Si vous voulez faire un cadeau pour Noël et penser d'offrir la 3G ou la 4G (wifi, internet), à quelqu'un,

vous pouvez lire cette expérience scientifique pour réfléchir au cadeau empoisonné que vous allez faire 

The WiFi waves the 3 G and the 4 G mutilating sexually


Selon la page du site scientifique NCBI


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28967061 :


(traduction du texte original à gauche)


Effets des ondes


électromagnétiques émises par


les modems Wi-Fi  + 3G + sur


l'analyse du sperme humain.



L’objectif de cette étude était d’évaluer les effets des modems 3G+wifi sur la qualité du sperme humain. 40 échantillons de sperme ont été collectés entre mars et septembre 2015 auprès d’hommes adultes en bonne santé.



Les échantillons de spermatozoïdes ont été divisés en deux groupes: les groupes 3G+wi-fi exposés et les groupes non exposés. Dans le groupe non exposé, les échantillons ont été protégés par du papier d’aluminium en trois couches et placés dans un incubateur à une température de 37°C pendant 50 minutes. Le groupe exposé a été placé dans une autre pièce d’un incubateur à 37°C pendant 50 minutes.Un modem 3G+wi-fi a été placé dans le même incubateur et un ordinateur portable a été connecté au modem et téléchargé pendant les 50 minutes d’analyse de sperme a été effectué pour chaque échantillon et les comparaisons entre les paramètres des deux groupes ont été faites en utilisant l’étude de Kolmogorov-Smirnov et un t-test apparié.




Le pourcentage moyen de spermatozoïdes ayant une motilité de classe A et B n’était pas significativement différent dans deux groupes (p = 0,22 et 0,54, respectivement).Dans la classe C, elle était significativement plus faible dans le groupe exposé (p = 0,046), tandis que dans la classe D, elle était significativement plus élevée (p = 0,022).La limite était la conception in vitro.




Les ondes électromagnétiques émises par les modems 3G+wi-wi-fi provoquent une diminution significative de la motilité et de la vitesse des spermatozoïdes, en particulier dans les spermatozoïdes mobiles non progressifs.Les EMW, qui sont utilisés dans les communications à l’échelle mondiale, sont une cause soupçonnée d’infertilité masculine. De nombreuses études ont évalué les effets des téléphones cellulaires et du wi-fi sur la fertilité.A notre connaissance, aucune étude n’ a encore été réalisée pour montrer les effets des EMW émis par les modems 3G+wi-fi sur la fertilité, et notre étude a révélé une diminution significative de la qualité du sperme humain après exposition aux EMW émis par les modems 3G+wi-fi.

 According to the page of the scientific site NCBI  :  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28967061 :
2017 Oct 25;84(4):209-214. doi: 10.5301/uj.5000269. Epub 2017 Sep 14.

Effects of electromagnetic waves emitted from 3G+wi-fi modems on human semen analysis.

1 Department of Urology, Iran University of Medical Science, Hasheminejad Kidney Center Hospital, Tehran - Iran.
2 Department of Epidemiology and Biostatics, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran - Iran.
3 Gonabad University of Medical Sciences, Gonabad - Iran.



The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of 3G+wifi modems on human sperm quality.A total of 40 semen specimens were gathered between March and September 2015, from healthy adult men.


The sperm samples were divided into two groups - 3G+wi-fi exposed and unexposed groups. In the unexposed group, the specimens were shielded by aluminum foil in three layers and put into an incubator at a temperature of 37°C for 50 minutes. The exposed group was positioned in another room in an incubator at a temperature of 37°C for 50 minutes. A 3G+wi-fi modem was put into the same incubator and a laptop computer was connected to the modem and was downloading for the entire 50 minutes.Semen analysis was done for each specimen and comparisons between parameters of the two groups were done by using Kolmogorov-Smirnov study and a paired t-test.


Mean percentage of sperm with class A and B motility were not significantly different in two groups (p = 0.22 and 0.54, respectively). In class C, it was significantly lower in the exposed group (p = 0.046), while in class D it was significantly higher (p = 0.022).Velocity curvilinear, velocity straight line, velocity average path, mean angular displacement, lateral displacement and beat cross frequency were significantly higher in the unexposed group. The limitation was the in vitro design.


Electromagnetic waves (EMWs) emitted from 3G+wi-fi modems cause a significant decrease in sperm motility and velocity, especially in non-progressive motile sperms. Other parameters of semen analysis did not change significantly.EMWs, which are used in communications worldwide, are a suspected cause of male infertility. Many studies evaluated the effects of cell phones and wi-fi on fertility. To our knowledge, no study has yet been done to show the effects of EMWs emitted from 3G+wi-fi modems on fertility.Our study revealed a significant decrease in the quality of human semen after exposure to EMWs emitted from 3G+wi-fi modems.


Selon la page du site scientifique NCBI / According to the page of the scientific site NCBI  :  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28967061 :
2017 Oct 25;84(4):209-214. doi: 10.5301/uj.5000269. Epub 2017 Sep 14.

Effects of electromagnetic waves emitted from 3G+wi-fi modems on human semen analysis.

Department of Urology, Iran University of Medical Science, Hasheminejad Kidney Center Hospital, Tehran - Iran.
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatics, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran - Iran.
Gonabad University of Medical Sciences, Gonabad - Iran.



The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of 3G+wifi modems on human sperm quality.A total of 40 semen specimens were gathered between March and September 2015, from healthy adult men.


The sperm samples were divided into two groups - 3G+wi-fi exposed and unexposed groups. In the unexposed group, the specimens were shielded by aluminum foil in three layers and put into an incubator at a temperature of 37°C for 50 minutes. The exposed group was positioned in another room in an incubator at a temperature of 37°C for 50 minutes. A 3G+wi-fi modem was put into the same incubator and a laptop computer was connected to the modem and was downloading for the entire 50 minutes.Semen analysis was done for each specimen and comparisons between parameters of the two groups were done by using Kolmogorov-Smirnov study and a paired t-test.


Mean percentage of sperm with class A and B motility were not significantly different in two groups (p = 0.22 and 0.54, respectively). In class C, it was significantly lower in the exposed group (p = 0.046), while in class D it was significantly higher (p = 0.022).Velocity curvilinear, velocity straight line, velocity average path, mean angular displacement, lateral displacement and beat cross frequency were significantly higher in the unexposed group. The limitation was the in vitro design.


Electromagnetic waves (EMWs) emitted from 3G+wi-fi modems cause a significant decrease in sperm motility and velocity, especially in non-progressive motile sperms. Other parameters of semen analysis did not change significantly.EMWs, which are used in communications worldwide, are a suspected cause of male infertility. Many studies evaluated the effects of cell phones and wi-fi on fertility. To our knowledge, no study has yet been done to show the effects of EMWs emitted from 3G+wi-fi modems on fertility.Our study revealed a significant decrease in the quality of human semen after exposure to EMWs emitted from 3G+wi-fi modems.