Différence entre la femme aimée, familière et la femme domestique, de maison :

de Eric Oullereau

Difference between loved wife and a domestic housewife :

a part of synthetic view with the parallel with 2 animals :


the elephant for the loved wife                                           and    the cow for the domestic housewife

sweet elephant

natural, breasts in front of

cow with   earring, black around the eyes, not very mobile lips,...tits behind

really familiar and sweet tender life domestic life
with elephant cultivating naturally in a good orchard

with tender lips, a little mobile

without tatoo,

without necklace

without chain

without earrings

without vaccin

without hill heels

with no emission of bad gas,

not ruminating,

very intelligent, with  very huge memory

and very tender with its mate

with a good temper

with cow, in a field

with no mobile lips as with lipstick,



chain in the night time



high heels

emiting bad gas (methan)


stupid, very few memory

and with almost no tenderness with a  quick partner

and a bad temper ( a "skin of cow" we say in French) 

 with a real familiar and tender wife

lips without lipstick, and very agreable

without tatoo,

without necklace,

without chain,

without earrings,

without vaccine,

without high heels

withoutcreating bad gas,

without chewing anything

very intelligent,  with very huge memory

with a good temper,

without clothes made with skin of cow

and very tender with her mate

with domestic wife in a house

with no really mobile lips because of lipstick

with tatoo,

with necklace,

with chain,

with earrings,

vaccinated (believing in that)

high heels

uses things which emit very bad gas

"ruminates" a chewing-gum

with lack of intelligence, and a few memory

with bad temper (a "skin of cow" in French)

and a jacket made in skin of cow.

and with reduced tenderness with a partner

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