critique de la vidéo sur youtube :

"Neuroscientists explain why straight men like trans women"

2 hommes à une conférence publique essayent d'expliquer pourquoi certains "des hommes droits" pourraient être attirés par des femmes trans , avec un support prétendu   scientifique.

 D'abord, nous voyons un orateur avec un bouc (une modification corporelle), donc il n'est pas conscient sur la recherche scientifique qui dit que c'est mauvais pour une sexualité complète.

 Les 2 orateurs disent que leur étude est basée sur des million de sites ou pages Web analysés par exemple, pour montrer le travail énorme de cette étude.

 A partir de cela ils expliquent le résultat des parties qui intéressent l'homme pour la sexualité, la priorité. voici les résultats :

1er      : les seins

2ème : les fesses

3ème : les pieds

Et dans la 7ème position, le pénis.

Cela manque de neutralité dans leur présentation.

 Ils ont présenté ce résultat avec une image plus grande du pénis que les 3 parties dans les premières positions.

 Aussi, pour être encore plus partial, ils présentent une écriture avec l'idée de grand pénis répété de différentes façons.

Une étude scientifique devrait être neutre et réfléchissant sur la réalité.

C'était seulement dans la 7ème position et ils ont essayé de renverser notre avis pour croire qu'il était dans la première position.

Je l'étudie pour une bonne comparaison il est bon d'avoir 4 éléments au moins et pas 2 ou 3, l'utilisation commune de vue commerciale pour manipuler les gens.

Ainsi ici, le 4ème point serait la 4ème réponse. Et nous ne le voyons pas.

Peut-être, c'était le vagin et il dérangerait la démonstration.


Remarque très importante : ce n'est pas parce que le vagin serait en 4ème position qu'il penserait à la pénétration vaginale pour l'excitation,

il peut y avoir l'excitation de l'homme par le fait qu'il devrait boire le liquide génital de la femme, son 1er fantasme, et le vagin serait la source de très grande excitation à ce sujet.

Par exemple, quand l'homme pratique le cunnilingus, il est très excité, ou même par le fait de le visualiser.

Souvent plus que par la visualisation du coït vaginal.

 Le pénis présenté dans la 7ème poste plus grand que le vagin normalement un point très clé d'exciter un homme ?


L'image de synthèse présentée dans le film est celle d'une fille avec gros seins,, belles fesses, petits pieds, et ...gros pénis.

Si le 4ème point était le vagin, il aurait fallu le vagin pour la femme.


Certains chercheurs émettent l'hypothèse que la sexualité naturelle serait la bisexualité selon l'article de Wikipédia à cet article. Mais même dans cette hypothèse, ce serait une femme entière qui serait  excitante,

tout comme un homme entier qui serait excitant.

Donc son pénis, et pas un pénis rapporté sur un corps de femme sans vagin.

Enfin pour la stimulation anale de l'homme cela peur être fait par une femme, son doigt ou sa main pour plus profond (le fist), et alors pas besoin de pénis pour la femme, pour le plaisir anal pour l'homme.


D'où l'image de synthèse serait fausse, et serait juste une promotion de l'industrie médicamenteuse qui permet à des jeunes garçons de devenir plus ou moins des femmes, avec pénis, par la prise d'hormones chimiques féminines, temporairement et de finir dans un état lamentable de santé et de misère sexuelle.

Voir la page  Critique de l'arnaque de l'attraction envers les transgenres "ladyboys" "transexuels"


Et bien plus grave derrière cette idée, celle de l'idée que la création serait mal faite, et que les OGM, les organismes modifiés génétiquement seraient un progrès ,

voir la page  G.M.O. plants : total fake, O.G.M. : totale arnaque


Ils n'ont pas aussi comparé cette idée avec l'image d'une femme au doigt majeur levé qui excite les hommes . Pour voir la comparaison.


Après, il a été présenté une idée étrange de l'attraction pour Edward Cullen.


Donc cette vidéo essayait  de promouvoir la supériorité des transgenres avec le crédit de science et la présence d'un grand auditoire, dans la salle, ce qui conforterait  a accepter cela avec sérieux, essayer de nous manipuler, mais en fait sans preuve réelle.


les données sont sûrement très intéressantes, mais,

l'interprétation de l'enquête était ainsi avec un manque de rigueur.

critic of the video on youtube :

"Neuroscientists explain why straight men like trans women"

2 men in a public conference try to explain why some "straight men" could be attracted by trans women, with a so-called scientific support.

First, we see one speaker with a hairstyle billy goat, so he is not aware of scientific research about it that is bad for complete sexuality.

The 2 speakers say that their study is base on million of websites analyzed for example, to show the huge work of this study.


From that they explain the result of the parts which interest human for sexuality, the priority. The results they have :

1rst : the breasts

2nd : the ass

3rd : the feet

and in the 7th position; the penis.

Where they neutral when they presented that.

They presented this result with a bigger image of the penis than the 3 parts in the first positions.

Also to be much less partial, they present a writing with the idea of big penis repeated in different ways.

A scientific study should be neutral and reflecting the reality.

It was only in the 7th position, and they tried to reverse our mind to believe it was in the first position.

I study that for a good comparison it is good to have 4 elements at least, and not 2 or 3, common use of trade view to manipulate people. So here, the 4th point would be the 4th answer. And we do not see  it. Maybe, it was the vagina, and it would disturb the demo.


Very important remark : it is not because the vagina would be in 4th position that he would think of the vaginal penetration for the excitement,

He can have the excitement by the fact  he should drink the genital liquid of the woman, his 1st fantasy, and the vagina would be the source(spring) of very big excitement on this matter.

For example, when the man practises the cunnilingus, ihe is very excited, or even by the fact to visualize it. Often more than by the visualization of the vaginal sexual intercourse.

The penis presented in the 7th position bigger than the vagina normally a very key point to excite a man ?


The computer generated image presented in the movie is the one of a girl with big breasts, beautiful buttocks, small feet, and big penis.

If the 4th point was the vagina, it would have been necessary the vagina for the woman.


Some researchers emit the hypothesys we would be bisexual according to the article on this matter of wikipedia.

In this hypothesis, it would be the whole woman who would be exciting,

Just like a whole man who would be exciting.

Thus his penis, and not a penis reported on a feminine body without vagina.

Finally for the anal stimulation of the man it can be done by the woman, her finger or hers hand for deeper (fist), and so no need of penis for the woman, for the anal plaisir of the man


Where from the computer generated image would be false, and would be just a promotion of the medicinal industry which allows young boys to become more or less women, with penis, by taking of feminine chemical hormones, temporarily and to finish in a pitiful state of health and sexual dissatisfaction.

See the page  Critique of the swindle, fake of the attraction to the "transsexual" transgenres " ladyboys "


And graver behind this idea, that of the idea than the creation would be badly made, and than GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS, bodies modified genetically would be a progress

see the page  G.M.O. plants : total fake, O.G.M. : totale arnaque


They also did not compare this idea with the image of a woman with the  major finger raised exciting men. To see the comparison.



After, it was presented a strange idea about the attraction for Edward Cullen.


So this video was to promote  transgender superiority with the credit of science and attendance which would agree to confort it in it seriousness, to try to manipulate us, but in fact without real proof.


The interpretation of the survey was with sloppiness.


list of the sub-pages of the part true sexual relation, of couple / véritables relations sexuelles, de couple :


Why major search / genital liquid exchange / couple M - F / rejuvenation -

Pourquoi la recherche sur l'échange des liquides génitaux entre couple homme et femme est capitale, et pour le rajeunissement


women : not made for having children, truly / les femmes : non faites pour avoir des enfants, véritablement

     see the animal order for the true superior human sexuality

    menstruations, règles : pas normal, sauvage, arnaque commerciale / periods : swindle, fake

    the folishness of the law (loi) against abortion / loi contre l'avortement, instead of giving the true mean for not having children


true loving date, gentle man or woman vs gentleman / fréquentation véritablement amoureuse

    difference between loved wife - femme , familiar wife and domestic wife, housewife : a part of synthetic view


marital fidelity / fidélité conjugale

    bonne stimulation mentale du conjoint / good mental stimulation of the spouse

    Attention / bad councils, examples of psychologists, with lack of knowledge / brain - oubli du cerveau par les psychologues


why promoting transgender a bad idea for depopulation

    Critic / video "neuroscientists explain why straight men like trans women"

    critic of the fake - arnaque - of attraction towards ladyboy / transgender - transgenre

    complicity of religions and scientifics to the existence / increase - augmentation - of ladyboys - transgenres, transexuels


  menu déroulant en haut de page / Drop-down menu in the top of the page :

so the Lord God and caused the man to 



fall into a deep sleep and while he was 

sleeping he took one of the man's ribs 

and then closed up the place with flesh 

I was born a male I started living as a 

female when I was 19 years old had a see 

change when I was 30 years old I've now 

been living as a woman for 28 years and 

I fully regret this nobody can change 

genders it's impossible it's delusional 

it's a mental illness then the Lord God 

made a woman from the rib he had taken 

out of the man and he brought her to the 

man once I finally had the surgery I 

went out this was the wrong thing to do 

it was the wrong thing to do to cut off 

my male anatomy 

1mn 05 

the man said this is now bone of my   

bones and flesh of my flesh she shall be 

called woman for she was taken out of 

man that is why a man leaves his father 

and mother and is united to his wife and 

they become one flesh the fact of the 

matter is the 40% of people who are 

attempting suicide are people who regret 

ever changing genders 

I cut my lawn for right there around 4 

o'clock and to get up but usually I wake 


up beforehand it's as though God just 

wakes me up I read the Bible and then I 

pray and then I try to be still and 

listen for his voice his guidance 

hi my name is Billy Burley and living 

here in Lompoc in this house and I used 

to work for NASA y'all come on in and 

let me show you all around the house a 

little bit so the weather over here in 

Lompoc is exceptional we don't have 

air-conditioned over here and so we keep 

the doors and windows open for a good 

bit throughout the year 

I was a skinny little introverted kid 


had a speech impediment and tried to 

talk but a lot of people didn't 

understand me 

my body told me that I belong with the 

boys but my thoughts my mind was saying 

and that I belong with the girls and I 

didn't know which way to go want it to 

be like my sisters I thought I shouldn't 

be like my sisters and when my older 

sisters started wearing makeup I started 

playing with some of her makeup I in the 

bathroom and then in the sixth grade 

when I was on the summer league routine 

and we had a new diving coach well what 

he would do is when he had a chance he 

would play with me and he would fondle 


me and try to get and get me to have an 

erection and just continue to play with 

me chromoly I'm gonna have to shut you 

into a room and can we pause for just a 

moment come on Camille let's get you 

into a room back here you are gonna keep 

moving around come on quiet bad dog bad 

dog hold one moment I will try to 

silence the don't Dottie Dottie go lay 

down lay down go lay down first off my 

name is Renee jacks and I'm an author 

I've written eight books so far three of 

them to do with transsexuality I was 

born male 

grew up in a very conservative 

Republican family my father was pretty 

much absent most of my childhood he was 


an alcoholic 

my mother was mentally ill the childhood 

was so troubled and so traumatic that in 

retrospect I was able to look at it and 

realized that there was no way I was 

getting out of childhood normal you go 

and you take a shower and you're there 

to get clean but every time I had to 

take off my clothes every time I went to 

bathe you know there's no getting around 

the fact that I wasn't a girl that I was 

a boy and that really is the one memory 

that sticks out is just how much I hate 

my penis hated my penis by the time I 

left high school when I was 18 I was 

cross-dressing most of the time once I 

was away from school and a couple years 

afterwards I ended up in San Francisco 

which had a very small gay community and 


I started I had made the decision by the 

time I was about 20 to start living 

full-time as a girl 

when you start dating people and if you 

pass well enough the whole purpose is 

are you a transsexual or are you a woman 

and my in my mind I was always a woman 

I'm wanting to date and I'm not telling 

the men that I'm dating that I have a 

penis and so when they find out they 

become violent they there were a couple 

instances where I was beaten very badly -  

my mirror georgiyevich I'm a surgeon in 

urologist and I'm a leader of Belgrade 

Centre for genital reconstructed Rallo G 

our centre is very well known especially 

for transgender surgery and we perform 

all types of transgender surgery male to 

female female to male we do search with 

possible complications and one of the 

very very actual now reversal surgery in 


regretful after one another one way in 

in transgender transformation we try 

always to to make it retail is to be 

first very functional and then to be 

more acceptable in a statical view if 

you discuss about male to female our 

results are much better why because in 

one surgery we create a completely 

normal female genitalia and this persons 

usually can have a sexual intercourse 

can enjoy in sexual activity according 

to our experience more than 90% 

transgender surgery starts to be a very 

popular for both persons doctors and you 

can you can find out too many drugs on 

this field oh I'm going to to make my 

genitals to be different like now and I 

will be very nice lady or I will be a 

very strong man or something like this 

and after that after some some event 

like alcohol or drug abuse or something 


ladies you are awake from anesthesia 

with the new Katrina tailors the main 

milestone was finding a doctor who would 

give me the hormones if I get the 

hormones if female cross-sex hormones my 

life will be perfect and then you think 

well if I can only would get my voice 

get my male voice up here 

and that battle make me you know just 

happy and then you think the next thing 

is well if I can get breast implants 

that's all I need it's never enough 

and finally if you've gone through the 

therapy and you can convince a doctor to 

start cutting on you you go and you have 

a sex change I had my sex change in 1990 

and in the back of my mind I didn't 

think I thought it might be like all the 

other stuff I had done but I was hoping 


just hoping that that would make me feel 


I don't want to get in there so why 

would you tell your neighbor that you 

did something that was so stupid 

it's absolutely ridiculous to tell a 

neighbor hey I was a transgender and 

I've D transition pretty embarrassing to 

go through a gender change to be that 

stupid to believe that you can actually 

change genders you got to be pretty bill 

equipped to handle the truth I was born 

in Los Angeles senator good family good 

people I was taken to my grandmother's 

house quite frequently as my parents 

like to go away on the weekend they like 

to camp and fish I somehow became 

interested at my grandma's house in 


cross-dressing and I mentioned something 

to her 

about that so she decided to make me a 

purple dress and allow me to put it on 

and wear the dress 

I finally got so interested and excited 

about wearing the dress that I got tired 

of waiting til I was gonna go to 

Grandma's house to secretly crossdress 

so I snuck the dress home well my mom 

found the dress and so then dad got 

upset I was never allowed to go to 

Grandma's house again 

the first step was I changed my name 

secretly when I was about 13 years old 

to Crystal probably in my late 20s I 

started to talk to doctors about hormone 

therapy and I began to take hormone 

therapy 35 years ago there wasn't much 

information and we concluded that based 

on everything that was available at the 

time that undergoing hormone therapy 

further hormone therapy and gender 

reassignment surgery would be the answer 


to resolve this quote gender identity 

disorder that's when I in April of 1983 

I underwent the gender reassignment 

surgery by doctor 

Biber in Trinidad Colorado it was 

amazing I felt like the world had been 

lifted from my shoulders and it was all 

really wonderful the only thing I don't 

know is was it all the medication from 

five hours of surgery that made me feel 

this way or was it because I had gone 

through the surgery because you're 

pretty heavily medicated my female name 

at the time was Laura Jensen 

lompoc is is a nice town and it's quiet 


and it's small I was a little bit 

apprehensive going in into surgery but 

also a little excited to finally we're 

at this point and after going into 

surgery and then coming out of surgery 

and being in the elevator I asked 

somebody is it gone and they assured me 

that it was gone and I was very relieved 

I was losing a lot of blood through the 

surgical site 

what they did was kept putting gauze 

into my new vagina but I was excited I 

was excited that finally this is done 

this is now behind me so now we'll start 

my new life 

I never had the full ability to have 

intercourse because the the the vagina 


that they make is so small so anytime I 

tried to have intercourse it was 

extremely painful and it wouldn't happen 

so these surgeries are nothing more than 

plastic surgery they they don't create 

the phalluses that they create for 

female to males are really hideous 

looking I've had several female to male 

friends and you look at it and you just 

go oh god you paid for that it's 

horrible the sex change didn't solve my 

discomfort the doctors who are honest 

will say that the gender dysphoria is 

always there and it's because the 

confusion is it's not so much it starts 

out being about your Anatomy but really 

what it's you don't like yourself 

being a freak in society being I call it 


in my book a social pariah is not the 

way you want to live the isolation 

drives you to despair and so yeah 

suicide is a big big thing maybe 

yesterday I don't know the first time 

was right before the surgery in 1990 and 

the only thing that kept me from doing a 

quiet honest is I'm a coward at heart 

just was so deeply disturbed at the time 

I wondered in my life and somebody I 

knew had some cocaine so I attempted to 

use it to kill myself and it obviously 

didn't work but my heart was pounding so 

hard after I took it that I thought it 

was gonna come out of my chest 


I feel safer having done that and not 

staying in one place very long where 

people might find out what I do and who 

I am I don't want people to know that 

around me I don't want to be outed by 

the people around me I was leaving 

church one day and on Sunday three four 

years ago now and I got a email that 

said I'm ready to commit suicide can you 

help me and it was a transgender who had 

lived the life transgender life for two 

or three years and was totally 

discouraged with it 

I was actually exchanging information 

and talking with him on some level up to 

five times a day to keep him from 

committing suicide he eventually 

restored his life he did the transition 

back this is my entire office right here 

my computer my desk my chair my slippers 


and this is where I sit and work I don't 

need any more than this everything that 

I do is right here on the computer or on 

the phone talking to people 

I've D transitioned now for 25 years 

little longer and so it was when I D 

transitioned that everything began to 

make sense to me and when I realized 

that how important it was to D 

transition to become psychologically 

emotionally and socially a healthy 

person that I wanted others who wanted 

to D transition to have a way to come 

back to that same experience that I have 

and if they have regret and want to D 

transition I've built a website for them 

sex change regret com 

how are you yeah we're doing we're doing 



Billie contacted me by email like most 

people do and we began to exchange 

information and I talked to him on the 


his story was just like mine he was 

sexually abused I was sexually abused 

and that was kind of the trigger point 

of changing genders come on kid come on 

come get you clothes on 

seven years after transitioning to woman 

a woman I started thinking okay I've 

been doing this for seven years now my 

problem should have gone away from by 

now but they hadn't and I actually had 

more problems at that point 

another problem it's just trying to pass 


and trying to do my hair just right 

trying to do my makeup just right trying 

to look just right to where people would 

not be uncomfortable because you can see 

when people identify you as being 

transgendered I was like this isn't life 

nothing has really changed 

I'm still struggling I was better off as 

I was before the surgery before the 

hormone treatment so it was at that 

point five years after the surgery there 

about that I started to have thoughts 

about changing back that's my student ID 

from LSU and so now swimming at LSU I 

had a really big Adam's apple heavy brow 

Ridge a pretty big jaw  


this is the idea after I had SRS surgery 

and when I was transitioning back to 

male in Louisiana 

that's the driver's license I got I had 

a lot of other pictures from that period 

but one day when I was sitting in my 

office looking at the pictures of me 

back during this seven-year period seven 

eight years as being female 

it was so discouraging that I wasted so 

much my life in this particular period 

doing all of this that just in the state 

that I was in I erased all of the 

pictures that I had off of the computer 

and destroyed the pictures of me from 

that period to try to erase that period 

of my life with God's help I went 

through the change and I went back to 

being male so I went through that 


surgery and on the backside of it I was 

in so much pain and so much discomfort 

and read a gret at that surgery more 

than the first SRS surgery that I had 

and then when he took the bandages off 

of my stomach to show me the skin graft 

I was almost horrified at it to me it 

was gross but it was by then surgery and 

the paperwork that the surgeon gave me 

sand and when I had the surgery done 

initially he gave me the paperwork then 

said okay I've been surgically changed 

to male I'm 60 years old there's no 

reason for me after a lifetime of being 

in transition to go and start living 

dressing as a man anymore 

there's there's there's no there's no 

there's no benefit in it but there is a 


benefit and my standing before an 

audience of young kids in college who 

are considering this path and saying to 

them okay I'm the real deal I started 

living when as a woman when I was 20 

I've lived 40 years of my life I had 

breast augmentation I've had genital 

surgery I've had 40 years of hormones 

all of it has not made my life any 

better it's never solved the problem you 

break your your left leg you go into a 

doctor's office and under the 

transsexual rule of medical treatment 

they say this is your new normal and 

we're going to break your right leg too 

I think it's safe to say that when 

somebody has been cross-dressed 

and affirmed physically abused and 

sexually abused that psychotherapy is 

the most needed therapy not hormones in 

surgery when I met Rachel I was already 

legally a man again 


hey baby doll how would you day her and 

her daughter came over to my house for 

Fellowship of Christian Athletes meeting 

and it was there that I first met her 

and that was in 2010 and from there I 

invited her for coffee I didn't know 

what that meant so I asked one of my 

classmates what does that mean one of my 

younger classmates so so she said well 

that's a safe way for asking for a date 

her trying to meet up with somebody I 

shared with her my path and what had 



and how I was and at that time 

she said okay let's be friends we had 

shared the same interest like what I was 

saying we both like doing especially 

swimming but triathlons were liked 

hiking I don't know I can't I know he 

will say he remembered some time we went 

on a hike and we sat down for a rest and 

bench and I passed that close to him and 

put my head on his shoulder and it was 

at that point I knew our relationship 

with changing and that it was okay for 

me to start pursuing Rachel in a 

romantic way and I did 

excellent you're good the intimacy 

between Rachel and me with me being 

surgically altered I cannot come to an orgasm 


so Rachel and I we enjoy intimacy 

all right in that wonderful fresh air 

fresh air is good it is beautiful and 

I'm praying for a little bit more rain 

because if you notice up here the green 

is starting to turn back to brown 

he asked me pretty soon after a few 

months if I'd marry him I think I 

thought about it for not too long maybe 

a week or two and responded yes my older 

daughter said it probably best is she 

wanted they wanted me to be happy 

and I knew I was going to change back 

but the big moment came when I was 

praying and the Lord Jesus appeared to 

me as a vision in the prayer as though I 


could touch him just like I could touch 

anybody here and he came and reached 

down to me with his hands and picked me 

up and said you're now safe with me 

forever and it was at that moment that 

my life changed in a split-second look 

at this I'm healthy many of the people 

who've gone through this before me are 

dead they're alcoholics they're still 

struggling with their identity and I'm 

alive and well and healthy and married 

for 21 years to my wife that's that's 

redemption restoration and I'm helping 

other people what other thing that's 

better in life when you're reaching out 

and helping other people with their life 

do you pay I love you did you taste it 


it is feel pretty 

I'm still pretty tasty 

I am so happy I am the way I am now even 

though I have problems I have a choice 

to let my problems I burden me or to 

look up to see each day as a beautiful 

day and just to enjoy life in his hands 

he's got you and me baby in his hands 


Anglais (générés automatiquement)