Examen d'une comparaison du règne animal, pour voir un ordre et tirer une conclusion pour la vraie sexualité humaine, supérieure
examination of a comparison of the animal kingdom, to see an order and draw a conclusion for true superior human sexuality
wolf / loup : family of dogs
pig /cochon
ant / fourmi
oyster / huitre
fellatio and cunnilingus can be made by the female elephant (and of the bonobo).
The female does not have incisives which could prevent from doing it, so it is easy, as it has very mobile tongue
breats are in front of
like women
- only 1 spermatozoid is used to have 1 little in the same time
fellatio can not be made by the bitch for the dog or here for the wolf, because it does not have mobile lips, incisives teeth also prevent from doing, and the tongue is very rough.
- half a dozen of
speramtozoids are used to have half a dozen of little
no fellatio from the female to the male, because it does not have mobile lips, and harder than that of the bitch
- a dozen of spermatozoids are used to have a dozen of cubs
absolutely no fellatio from the female
- all the seprmatozoids are used to have thousands of eggs for little one
no sexual relation,
it can have a pearl
1rst part : => females bonobo and elephant can make a fellatio to their partner, and swallow spermatozoids because their mouth is adapted for that
2nd part => of what use would be the other millions of spermatozoids of elephant bonobo or human , if they are not for food for the mate of the opposit sex ?
=> The only logic use for all this spermatozoids of this most evoluted creatures would be for food for the other sex.
And with the 1rst part we see it matches also very good.
This is an extract to show you that it seem really exist a deep order which explains how to do for us, by examining the creation, and especialy for this point for example.
list of the sub-pages of the part true sexual relation, of couple / véritables relations sexuelles, de couple :
Why major search / genital liquid exchange / couple M - F / rejuvenation -
question of children, care / enfants, bien s'en occuper
allaitement / breastfeedingcomparaison with animals to see that day-nursery- crêche - is a regress for human
Comparison / education of young child : natural and other, and having no child - pas d'enfant
my progress / education of children - enfants
Comparison between education by the parents, natural, and the other families of education
true loving date, gentle man or woman vs gentleman / fréquentation véritablement amoureuse
marital fidelity / fidélité conjugale
bonne stimulation mentale du conjoint / good mental stimulation of the spouse
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