the folishness of the law against abortion, instead of giving the true mean for not having children
quaternary comparison between the means for not having children to explain that :
natural way of thinking
façon naturelle de penser
fellation swalling the sperm of the man by the woman before sexual coïts, (see 10 raisons fellation on the site
and physical exercice, linked to serious sexual activity with the mate.
Obviously, it is convenient for faithful mate who know each other (no disease,, clean,...), or those who pay attention first to whom they want sexual relation, not a quick short coït, with an unknown person, without physical information before information before the relation.
this action is partciular to human and obliges to speak with the mate before. So the big superiority of human to animal, and to bonobo by that.
wild way of thinking /
façon sauvage de penser
courbe des températures,
retrait avant coït
calcul des jours avant ovulation (8ème ?) /
the temperature's,
retreat before ejaculation calculation of days before ovulation (8th?)
only means with restrain of full sexual activity
=> some mistakes
=> some conceptions start
=> thinking to abortion
Craft way of thinking /
façon artisanale de penser
craft condom (pig's bladder, or rubber condom from drugstore) = a medium (= fornication in latin)
and chemically very bad :
see the page
industrial way of thinking /
façon de penser industrielle
stérilet / Copper T shaped IUD with removal strings
pills for men
surgery acts to block it
- on man
- or on woman
no need of abortion
because of no risk of being pregnant
wild way of abortion :
with toxic plants, for that
=> bad consequences
craft way of abortion :
with a very long needle
=> very serious suffering
and also can be with serious domages in the womb
industrial way of abortion /
façon d'avorter industrielle
1/ by chemical products (57% in France in 2015 on 220.000 abortions) : a pill + a pill 36 or 48 hours later
but according to the article of "20 minutes" 21th november 2016, , the suffering can be very high, until 8 on a 10-degree scale, so you imagine, it
is the equivallent to the suffering of a childbirth
2/ by industrial suction in hospital : very painful also
this means is neither expensive nor dangerous, with not casual sex, no risk of disease
and the woman takes her responsibility of her body.
And she could in almost the same way totally avoid being pregnant for the rest of her life so.
So without any need of abortion.
=> This law, knowing that would be a total folishness.
this means is not expensive but very dangerous,
and the woman is with her responsibility of her body taken away.
And she could in almost the same way being pregnant and needing another operation of abortion.
this means is not expensive but very dangerous,
and the woman is with her responsibility of her body taken away.
And she could in almost the same way being pregnant and needing another operation of abortion.
this means are very expensive and very dangerous,
and the woman is with her responsibility of her body taken away.
And she could in almost the same way being pregnant and needing another operation of abortion.
This law of abortion is just for lobbies of hospital for money.
The woman Simone Weil had so many problem to make this law being voted : in the conscience of people, they knew that something was wrong.
You have so an explanation.
She is not a great woman, also put in the Panthéon in Paris,
like Marie Curie for Uranium.
If Marie Curie would ignore that mineral it would be a very good thing.